GLOSSARY of user roles and personnel
Each Port has an established Container Royalty Station (CRS) that is tasked with the operations of all Container Royalty activities for that specific Port. Each Container Royalty Station has an Administrator who is responsible for managing the daily operations of the CRS for their Port. As part of the Administrators role, this individual is responsible for overseeing that the Inspectors/clerks enter their daily activity into the CRCC Fund Application and provide all other requested information to the CRCC Fund. In addition, they must track all financial matters related to the fund, report to the Port Trustees on all Container Royalty related items and provide Weekly reporting to CRCC Fund management.
A company or individual who acts on behalf of a carrier to perform certain functions including entering in vessel voyage activity.
This is the CCC Service Corporation. It is a subsidiary of USMX that provides accounting services for the CRCC Fund. Visit the CCC Service Corporation website here.
Every Port has a specific number of Clerk/Container Inspectors that are ILA (International Longshoremen’s Association) members. In addition to their ILA duties on the docks, these individuals are required to provide the CRCCF with specific data needed to provide accurate reporting for both the Ports and the Carriers. Some of these tasks include providing Daily Vessel Arrival/Departure information, reconciling Missing Vessel Reports, Exception Reporting, Weekly CR Reporting on vessel activity, advising on all new Carrier/Vessel activity within their port and providing any other information to the CRCCF that falls under their responsibilities.
President Paul McCarthy, Vice-President Eileen Mackell, Director Jason Kohler, and Director Drew McKenzie.
There are a number of Executives involved with CR Funds that have a professional interest in the data that is provided through the CRCCF. Among these execs, you may find Presidents or Officers from the various ILA Locals, ILA or Carrier Upper Management officials, and heads of Various ILA territories (i.e. Atlantic Coast District and South Atlantic Gulf Coast District). This information is not only being utilized to cut costs, provide more accurate reporting and establish a centralized base, it is also used for Management/ILA contract negotiations.
These are employees reporting to the Container Royalty Station Admin (CRS) who perform financial functions, including bank reconciliation, tracking and monitoring of voyage activities, tonnage, and reports requested by the administrator. These users utilize the CRCC Fund to review financial data, tonnage numbers, report on updated trustee information, and monitor Container Royalty Revenue for their individual ports.
The International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), AFL-CIO is the largest union of maritime workers in North America, representing upwards of 65,000 longshoremen on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Great Lakes, major U.S. rivers, Puerto Rico and Eastern Canada. Visit the ILA website here.
Port Associations
The groups represent carriers in local labor relations and negotiations. They charge carriers a local assessment fee based on tonnage and verify the carrier’s data. This group of CRCCF Users is considered a 3rd Party authorized User. Stevedores, Agents and Port Authority personnel work for the carrier(s) and are authorized by the individual carrier(s) to access their data for the purpose of performing tasks on their behalf. In the case of some smaller carriers, the Stevedore/Agent/Port Associations may be tasked with entering the tonnage and voyage activity for that particular carrier. In other instances, these representatives utilize the CRCC Fund to run local assessment reports for Carrier billing.
These are state run organizations ensure federal compliance is met at the state level. Port Authorities are the group of people representing the terminal operations — they collaborate with CRCC Fund to acquire terminal information.
Companies that run a port or a terminal. Their job is to know how many containers are coming in or out. Stevedores run the physical terminal.
A Fund Trustee is an individual chosen to oversee the Container Royalty Fund in an individual Port. Each CR Station has a specified number of ILA and Management/Carrier Trustees appointed to these positions. In most cases, the Trustees meet monthly with the Administrator and their key staff members to discuss any matters, financial and otherwise, related to that Ports Container Royalty Fund.
USMX is an alliance of container carriers, direct employers, and port associations serving the East and Gulf Coasts of the United States. The United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd. (USMX) represents employers of the East and Gulf Coast longshore industry. Membership consists of Container Carriers, including the largest carriers and carrier alliances worldwide, all major Marine Terminal Operators, and Port Associations representing each port on the East and Gulf Coasts. USMX’s members are responsible for the transportation and handling of cargo shipped to and from the United States. While serving as the representative of the Management groups in Master Contract bargaining, the Alliance also articulates industry positions on regulatory and safety issues; oversees coastwide training, retraining, certification, and recertification programs; and is responsible for administering coastwide fringe benefit funds and programs. The non-profit, incorporated membership association headquartered in Lyndhurst, New Jersey is led by Chairman and CEO, David F. Adam. Visit the USMX site here.